Thursday, April 2, 2009

Art Show and Spring Concert

Tonight was all about these two!!!!! What creative kids we have!!!!!

The Pirate sitting and listening to the older chorus sing.
Mommy and the Mermaid being good listeners
Artwork by Mommy's students
The Pirate and the Superstar's pinch pots
Thursday night was the final art show and chorus performance at our school. The school district has eliminated art and music teachers from the elementary schools. We are in a budget crunch and the state does not seem to fund education properly. So, I will be doing something different next year.
I sat and watched the Pirate sing his heart out and dance his tushie off! I sat and laughed and then cried. He gets so much out of music and chorus. It is a travesty to let this happen to our kids. It breaks my heart....
I, being the art teacher...was there to share the experience. I put together a nice art display with 100 plus pieces of artwork for my students and parents. Many hugs, tears and thank you's from parents. I felt truly appreciated!!!!!


mommy of 2 said...

It was a GREAT art show and chorus performance! Maybe we'll have to work something up with our 2 talented kiddos next year???