Friday, December 12, 2008

When it Rains POURS!!!!!!

We had our second visit from our Social Worker this evening. All was going is her attachment, how is she sleeping, eating, does she like having a brother???? Yadda, yadda, yadda....
So, The Pirate is getting antsy because it is dinner time. He climbs onto the chair behind me and is hanging off the chair WHEN....The Mermaid comes up and tickles his feet. WHAM!!!! Right in the nose goes his foot! No big deal, right? She didn't scream, cry or complain. She walks away and turns around and BLOOD!!!!! Coming right out her nose....of all times to do this! I clean her up....she is still not screaming or crying. Problem is, it won't stop bleeding!!!! 15 minutes stops. Thank God! I have to say, he got her good. It looks better now and it has stopped gushing.
Well, I can only imagine what the Social Worker thinks????? I hope she does not write this up in her report to the CCAA for our 6 month check. Of all days....why????


mommy of 2 said...

of course that would happen to you guys during your SW visit. Geesh!

tricia said...

WOW! Your 6 month SW visit story tops mine!! Our 6 month post placement visit came on the morning of Memorial Day. We were hosting a neighborhood BBQ that afternoon. As we were talking to our SW, our neighbor came bursting through our front door with a blender and a bottle of margarita mix announcing that she's ready to start the party and can she have my tequila. I thought my mom was going to take my neighbor's head off. Our SW actually said she wished she could stay :).