Well, The Mermaid is very new to us still. She has been home a little over a month. I keep trying to give her different types of food. She loves french fries and Popsicles. She eats shrimp, fish, hot dogs, hamburgers, corn, green beans etc. She does not eat Mac and Cheese, broccoli or american style Chinese food!!!!! Well, we had salad, pasta with meat sauce and garlic bread for dinner on Sunday. So, I wasn't sure what salad dressing she might like. So, we had a taste test! I made the Pirate do this...because that is what BIG brothers do! It was very funny....the Pirate likes the Italian and the Mermaid likes the Country French. I got a BIG "NO!" on the Ranch...can't win them all!!!!!
PS The Mermaid loves cherry tomatoes!!!!
Good! Someone I can give my cherry tomatoes to again :)
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