Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sleep got the better of us last night...

These are pictures from the temple where the Mermaid was blessed by the monks. And one of her having ice cream. After she tasted the ice cream I said to her, "Not so bad hanging out with these people, huh?" She grinned as if she understood me...I think she did. Staci...DON'T read this part to the Pirate...we have great zoo pictures too, but I have to hold them back until we break the news to the Pirate. We saw a Panda and a Lesser Panda. When in China....T


Anonymous said...

Sometimes you just gotta sleep, you know?? I'm glad you got to go to the zoo and to the temple - sounds neat! I hope the ice cream was good. The mermaid looks like she enjoyed it! I love her expression at the waterfall, ha ha ha!

Anonymous said...

You guys are seeing some amazing things in China. I talk to Dr. Guttery today, we saw him for Grayson's check up. I told him you guys were in China getting her. He asked how it was going.
I told him good.
Sleep when you can.

Love, Anna

Anonymous said...

Is it me, or do I see Ted when I look into those eyes? The other half of Frick (Anna-with the grammar error), Frack (Denise) visited Barbara at Special Angels today and made a special request to place the Mermaid with her new friend Cam! Don't you just love all that we can accomplish? We didn't even plan it, totally random!