Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Our last day in China

We came half way around the world to run into Typhoon Fenshen!!! Thank goodness it set it\'s sights on Hong Kong instead of Guangzhou. We had a very wet day hard rain, all day. We spent some time on the pedestrian mall and then had some lunch at KFC. The Mermaid got to play on the play equipment with a little boy. She was very good with him. Funny thing... Vince, one of our travel mates wanted a chicken sandwich. When he bit into it, it had carrots and peas in it! It is tough ordering food when one does not speak the language....

We came back to the room and the Mermaid took a nap. I realized I had no clean clothes for the Mermaid if she had an accident. So, I tried to buy a pair of shorts for a clean shirt she had. The clothes here do not have sizes and without a guide with us...this was an impossible task. So, let's pray our plane ride goes smooth. Thank goodness they do not have squatty potties on the planes!

We had our Visa ceremony today. It was a small group of families representing 14 states. It went smooth and we promised that all our info was correct on our forms. The Mermaid has a Visa and she can now come into the US and become a citizen!!!!!! We now have the "all important envelop" of papers that can not be opened until we hand it to the official in Detroit. That person will process and "chop"(stamp) the Mermaid's passport and that is it!!!! It took less than an hour. The Mermaid's passport picture is really cute...she is wearing the ladybug shirt her Aunt Staci bought her and we sent in her care package. After the ceremony, all three families had Pizza Hut to celebrate. We are looking forward to keeping up with Jack, age 1 and Kourtney, age 2 in the upcoming months. We will get to see Jack again in November for the Welcoming Ceremony our agency has because Jack's family lives in Florida.

We had Echo and Mary talk with the Mermaid this evening about what will happen in the next few days. She is happy about her ge ge (the pirate), the dog and her stuffed animals on her night stand. They spent time looking thru the pictures we have. Speaking of pictures, we had two rolls of film developed that was given to us from the SWI. I can't wait to share them with you all. She was the only girl, with 14 to 15 boys. Now, that explains some of those behaviors!!!!

We have to be up at 4:30 am to get to the airport in time. Our flight leaves Guangzhou at 8:20 am ( 8:20 PM Wednesday night for you guys). We fly to Tokyo and then to Detroit. Then home. Our flight number is Northwest 1108 and we arrive at 11:59 PM.

We can't wait to be home and to kiss the Pirate....


Anonymous said...

I still get all chocked up reading your remarks. What a lucky little girl. Can't wait to give her a big hug. She is beautiful and "cute as a button". Have a great trip home!!!
Lois (Grandma Lois)

Anonymous said...

You guys will be home soon! I bet the pirate can not wait to meet his sister. She is going to love her room and I am sure the pool. Have a good trip.
Love, Anna

Anonymous said...

How exciting! We have loved reading your blog and getting to know Delaney online. Aryn CANNOT WAIT to play with her when she visits Aunt Kerri!
God bless you all!
Karen, Ken, Nathaniel, and Aryn

ferrarasinflorida said...

i am so happy for you guys. She is a beautiful girl to add to your wonderful family. Miss being your neighbors.
Domenico, Kim, Kendrec, Trenton, and Gabi.

Anonymous said...

Hooray you are on your way home (almost!) The beginning of the Mermaid's life as an American is about to start. I can hardly wait to hug you all when you get here. You have been gone too long! But for an excellent reason :)

Anonymous said...

Have a safe trip home! She is adorable!
Love, Joie

tricia said...

I am so happy that you are all on your way HOME! I know how tired you are going to be but we are leaving for SC on Tuesday morning. I'd love the chance to see you all before I go. Even if it's just for a few minutes. Anyway, hope you're having an uneventful trip back!

Anonymous said...

Be safe and can't wait to see her!